10th London Marathon Samaritans

On 21st April this year, I’ll be taking part in my 10th London Marathon – this time I am running for Samaritans.

You could say I am addicted 🙂

Or maybe I am just crazy!

Each previous London Marathon has been quite a journey of passion and perseverance. And fun!

By supporting Samaritans, the official charity of the 2024 TCS London Marathon, we’re giving much-needed exposure to their invaluable work with those in desperate isolation, facing immense challenges.

Samaritans, a charity dedicated to emotional support and suicide prevention, are a beacon of hope, and this year’s London Marathon will demonstrate to millions that they are not alone in their struggles.

Almost 17 years ago, my friend Rodney died by suicide. He sent me a very loving text message a week before – and I had no idea at the time that would be his last ever message to me.

Rodney’s story is a heartbreaking example of the silent struggle many face, leading to the irreversible decision of suicide.

It’s a poignant reminder of why I am taking part in the marathon – to honour his memory and to support those who might be feeling lost.

So many people have lost a loved one due to suicide.

Suicide leaves a void in the lives of loved ones left behind. The feelings of unworthiness, profound depression, and burdensomeness that lead to such tragedies are what the Samaritans aim to alleviate.

That’s why they work tirelessly to reach more people and make suicide prevention a priority.

Their vision is a world where fewer lives are lost to suicide, and I am committed to supporting this vision.
I am taking part in the marathon to show others there is always hope, and to raise money to help Samaritans be here, day and night, for anyone who is struggling to cope.

Every step I take, and every pound we raise, will help train more volunteers, answer more calls for help and ultimately save more lives.

Join me in this cause. Your donation, big or small, is a powerful gesture of hope and support. Together, we can train more volunteers, answer urgent calls, and save lives.

Here’s the sponsorship page for my 10th London Marathon.

Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow and save lives—one step at a time.

With hope and determination.


10th London Marathon Samaritans