Arvind at the finish line of the London Marathon 2014Do you go through life complaining about things?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to stop complaining and start living again?

I have had some amazing insights recently into this topic of complaining – and it all began during my preparations for the London Marathon in April.

As some of you know, I recently took part in the London Marathon to help little children like baby India and in aid of my chosen charity WellChild.

Thanks again to all of you who sponsored me for this cause – I am basking in sheer gratitude for your generosity and support.

Please know that I felt your support and well wishes every step of the way:-).

I walked the whole way in 7 hours and 28 mins – and it was a memorable and life-changing day – I live my life for days like this!

You can see my pictures on Facebook – The Ecstasy and Joy of London Marathon 2014

I say to all my friends and I am going to also tell you all – do whatever it takes to take part in the London Marathon at least once in our lifetime.

It’ll be one of the best days of your life!

These are my 2 key articles after the previous 2 times I have taken part in the London Marathon:-

1. 10 Life Lessons from Running the London Marathon

2. How to Change the World in Less Than 8 Hours and 27 Miles

So what made it such a powerful experience for me?

Well for starters, I felt like I was part of something much bigger than me.


Whilst we were all waiting at the start line in our various starting pens, the excitement and the buzz was electric.

I did feel a little nervous – after all, superheroes also get nervous. Maybe just for a change, I should take off my superman cape and become human again!

I felt very alive and very present to all those around me. It was incredible to think that almost everyone there was taking part to raise funds and create awareness for their chosen cause.

So there was a much greater meaning to the day and it was not just about running or walking around some of the most scenic parts of London.

And when we got to the start line, it was like unleashing a force of nature and it was a torrent of humanity coming together for a common cause.

A cause much greater than any cause us single individuals can aspire to in our day to day lives.

What I also got was the incredible sense of camaraderie amongst the runners – we were united in not only conquering the 26 miles of the marathon course,  but also in creating a better world.

It was a potent combination of achieving something personally and also remembering the greater good we are all capable of.

What was just as powerful was the encouragement we received from the spectators. That’s what got me through walking 26 miles, even though once I had started, nothing was going to stop me from getting to the finish line!

What I also got was the oneness with me and the thousands of spectators who not only encouraged me and the others but also donated loose change into my collection bucket.

As I walked and walked and walked on that day, I got to reflect and think a lot about the day and what made it so special. Since I was walking, I was mainly alone during the 26 mile route and that’s a lot of thinking time:-).

I felt in the zone and was fully present most of the time. I realised that any great endeavour takes such presence and commitment to the greater cause and to a final target.

And then I also got that we all go through life complaining about our lot rather than fully appreciating all we have.

At the start line, there were people around me who had conquered various personal challenges or were running in memory of a loved one they had lost – or they were taking part for their chosen cause or charity.

There was a guy in a tiger outfit which looked like it weighed a tonne –just imagine running 26 miles in that! There was a gorilla too and umpteen other fancy outfits – all for a bigger cause.

A cause bigger than me and you.


There were also wheel chair participants who started the marathon from a different start line – and to see these guys is even more impressive.

They just whizz around the 26 mile course like it’s just another breeze in the park.

Now that’s what I call really taking on your life and not complaining!

So what do you get out of complaining!?

Usually it’s about not taking responsibility for your life!

The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you gain the power to change ANYTHING in your life“. – Hal Elrod

We go through life complaining about others and what they did to us – or indeed what they didn’t do for us.

We go through life feeling hard done by – and we believe that others have got it in for us, including “god”.

We complain about petty things like the weather, the traffic and train delays.

And we go through life stuck in our little petty stories – whilst life is passing us by.

Yet, when I was on the marathon route, not only did I get present to the futility of our complaining but more importantly, I was aware of the majesty and splendour of this thing we call life.

There I was in the midst of humanity at its greatest, all rooting together for a common and greater cause, and striving to make the world a better place through umpteen individuals – those taking part and those spectators encouraging the participants.

And then I wondered what it would be like to capture that sheer energy, that immense goodness and that can-do attitude!?

Our world would be transformed overnight!

As I work on the next phase of my own growth and my business development, I plan to capture this energy and create resources to help you make it happen for yourself and others. More details over the coming weeks.

In the meantime, let’s again look at complaints in your world. What’s YOUR number one complaint?

I would love you to take part in my simple survey which only has one question – you simply fill in the  gap:-

My number one complaint in life is ……………………………….

Please click here and let me know – it’ll take you no more than one minute of your time. Thank you.

Your input will allow me to create a brand new online course to help you stop complaining and start living again.

As you reflect on your complaints in life, here are just 21 benefits of stopping complaining:-

21 Benefits of Stopping Complaining:-

  1. Attain Inner peace
  2. Boost in your productivity
  3. Let go of the past
  4. Allow others to be
  5. Become a nicer person
  6. Lighten up
  7. Become popular (or less unpopular!)
  8. Smile a lot more
  9. Become generally happier
  10. More energy for things you love doing
  11. Greater clarity of mind and improved creativity
  12. Less noise in your head
  13. Greater focus on key things
  14. Better co-operation from work colleagues, employees and all the people in your life
  15. Cordial family relationships
  16. Improved sense of perspective
  17. Optimistic mind-set
  18. Better health
  19. Lower Blood Pressure!
  20. A can-do attitude
  21. Self-Acceptance – and acceptance of what is

These are 21 reasons I just rattled off for why you should never complain again – and I am sure you can think of many more reasons why you should stop complaining.

What you get once you stop complaining is grace, ease and joy in life.

Of course, it’s important to “complain” about some things. It’s okay and I believe absolutely necessary to take a stand for something in your life – such as Gandhi did when he took a stand for the end of oppression in India.

That’s a different type of complaining when you take a stand for something bigger than you. Then you just have to remember to feel the fear and change the world anyway.

From today onwards, begin to get aware of all your complaints in life – and then ask yourself if it really matters!

And please do take my simple one page survey right away and let me know what your number one complaint in life is.

Survey about complaints 

Finally, I invite you take part in the London Marathon next year – as I said, it”ll be one of the best days of your life. There are a number of charities which will offer you a place as long as you commit to fund-raise for them.
