Why You Should Make 2012 all about YOU

Why You Should Make 2012 all about YOU

Happy New Year everyone! We are now well into 2012 and perhaps like most people you have started planning for a “new” you in the New Year. Just what do you want from the coming year? How sure are you to achieve your New Year resolutions? You may have thought up a few...
How to Simply Thrive this Christmas

How to Simply Thrive this Christmas

So this is Christmas! How are you enjoying it so far? There’s no doubt that Christmas is a time of mixed emotions and feelings. For some people this is a time of great joy and delight, with lots of partying and sharing of delicious food and gifts with people you love....
How Not To Be Lonely This Christmas

How Not To Be Lonely This Christmas

As the world settles down to celebrate Christmas Day, just what will you be doing? Like so many people around the world, will you be spending it with your families and loved ones? Or will you be on your own? Firstly, let’s acknowledge just how big a thing Christmas...
Happy Thanksgiving Day Today and Everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving Day Today and Everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! I hope that you are having or you have had a wonderful day with your loved ones. Thanksgiving Day is a tradition that’s now getting established more and more in London and other parts of the UK. Personally I feel it’s a...
How to Create an Effortless Life  – Effortlessly

How to Create an Effortless Life – Effortlessly

Just how effortless is your life? Do you live a life of flow and ease? Or is everyday for you full of stress and pressure? Imagine what your life would be like if you could spend each day in contentment and mindfulness. A day in which you only do those things you...
Find Your Bliss – Just Start Walking!

Find Your Bliss – Just Start Walking!

Have you ever met someone who instantly inspires you with their way of being? I met someone just like that a few weeks ago on what was actually a very sad occasion. A long time friend’s wife lost her brave fight against illness and passed away at a young age. The...
Change Yourself First to Change the World

Change Yourself First to Change the World

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy You want to make a difference in this world, right? I am no different from the rest of you in this respect – in fact, I am probably more likely to claim this statement....
9/11 Tenth Anniversary: Why Peace Begins with Me and You

9/11 Tenth Anniversary: Why Peace Begins with Me and You

This week is the 10th anniversary of 9/11, that fateful day when two planes demolished the World Trade Center in New York. Everyone remembers just where they were when they heard the news. I was working in the City of London at the time and watched the world-changing...
Just Imagine What YOU Can Do If You Truly Follow Your Dream!

Just Imagine What YOU Can Do If You Truly Follow Your Dream!

Are you in need of some inspiration? Maybe you are feeling sorry for yourself? Or perhaps you just want to hear or see something with a feel-good factor? Then look no further than this amazing and inspirational video of a courageous and talented contestant from the...
Warning: Freedom is NOT Everything it’s Made Out To Be!

Warning: Freedom is NOT Everything it’s Made Out To Be!

Have you ever felt that you need time out from your life? Would you like to one day just jump on a horse and ride into the sunset? A friend of mine recently went overseas for ten days to visit some family. Soon afterwards, she told me that she felt overwhelmed at...