How to Create Your Own Luck Everyday: 5 Powerful Tips

How to Create Your Own Luck Everyday: 5 Powerful Tips

This is a guest post from Angela Artemis Do you wish you could “create” good luck – just like that? Remember the seminar you were just dying to take but, didn’t have the money for until a forgotten refund check for an overpayment miraculously showed up in your mailbox...
Find Your Path to Happiness By Saying NO

Find Your Path to Happiness By Saying NO

Life is already tough enough without having to keep everyone around you happy. Are you someone who always says “Yes”? Do you always says yes to every request for help, advice etc? Then you already know how challenging it can be to keep everyone else happy....
Why YOU are the Greatest Gift you can Give the World

Why YOU are the Greatest Gift you can Give the World

Do you know what your greatest gift to the world is? We all have so much to offer the world, if only we could see our own greatness. And yet so many of us tend to hold ourselves back, in case we stand out too much. We don’t want our light to shine. But as...
10 Top Relationship Tips for the Royal Couple

10 Top Relationship Tips for the Royal Couple

On Friday, half the world will be looking on as the most photographed couple in the world say their marriage vows. As Prince William and Kate Middleton say their vows, billions of people will look on and share their happiness. I am writing this from central London and...
Why the World Needs More Dreamers Like You and Me

Why the World Needs More Dreamers Like You and Me

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible. -T. E. Lawrence...
You Were Born to Win – Authentically

You Were Born to Win – Authentically

A friend just lent me a book which I first read over 20 years ago during my college days. The book has an intriguing title – “Born to Win” – and it’s a wonderful book which I read a long time before I discovered the world of coaching and personal development. Its...
The Shocking Truth About Being a Nice Person!

The Shocking Truth About Being a Nice Person!

I used to get very excited whenever someone would tell me: “you’re a really nice guy”. I thought it was a fantastic compliment to receive! Then I started noticing in my own life and the life of other “really nice” people that this label often came with less than...
Stop Wasting Time on Petty Stuff: If I Can Do It, So Can You.

Stop Wasting Time on Petty Stuff: If I Can Do It, So Can You.

Are you aware of your clock ticking? Whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not, you are here only for a limited time. Today most people live as if they will live to 97 and beyond. How else can we explain the way people live their lives today? It is as if they...