Stop Bending over Backwards for Other People!

Stop Bending over Backwards for Other People!

Do people always seem to take advantage of you? Do you feel that you are being taken for granted? And it is a cliché, but have you ever been taken for a ride?! We can all sometimes feel overlooked, ignored or made to feel that we didn’t count. Other times you might...
Why Decluttering Your Friends is Good for You and Them!

Why Decluttering Your Friends is Good for You and Them!

Are you surrounded with people who accept you just the way you are? Do they energise you, or do you feel drained by them? If they drain you, are you tempted to throw them out of your life? In my last article in this series of 28 relationship articles in February about...
9 Simple Tips to Create Energising Friendships

9 Simple Tips to Create Energising Friendships

Do you have a lot of good supporting friends who energise and uplift you? Or are you surrounded by people who drain you? The friendships you have can define your life – and such relationships can either enrich your life or make it a pain. Over the years, my...
Love Is All That Matters

Love Is All That Matters

This is my 500th blog post! To celebrate this landmark, collect your gift of my Make It Happen Manifesto. To mark my 500th blog post, I could not have chosen a more appropriate topic – love. What does the word love mean to you? Does it evoke a vision of red...
Love Yourself Without Becoming Full of Yourself

Love Yourself Without Becoming Full of Yourself

Do you know how to truly love yourself? Or are you so engrossed in yourself to the point of being vain and arrogant? There is this phrase – proud as a peacock, which is used to refer to someone who is excessively proud and full of themselves. Are you a peacock?!...
Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else

Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else

If I asked you who was the most important person in your life, what would you say? Would it be your partner, your parents, your children, your boss or even your god? From today onwards, I invite you to accept that in your lifetime, the most important relationship you...
Become Aware of ALL Your Relationships to Radically Change Your Life

Become Aware of ALL Your Relationships to Radically Change Your Life

Are the relationships in your life peaceful and loving? Are you living in harmony and cooperation with all the people in your life? It’s February already – where is this year going?! This is the month when people celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February, and turn...
How to Make Your Dream Job Happen on Your Own Terms

How to Make Your Dream Job Happen on Your Own Terms

I find that most people want to eventually become self-employed. As a self-employed coach, I can totally understand this and I encourage it. Self-employment is not always rainbows and butterflies, but the associated freedom, flexibility and status are often highly...
Why Getting Your Blog Hacked Is Not the End of the World

Why Getting Your Blog Hacked Is Not the End of the World

Have you ever had something happen to you life that’s really thrown you off balance? Only to later find that in the big scheme of things it really didn’t matter? You may not think so at the time, but most challenges we face are never a life or death situation. I had...
How to Conquer Temptation and Fulfill Your Dreams

How to Conquer Temptation and Fulfill Your Dreams

This is a guest post from Bamboo Forest That slice of pizza you’re craving when you’re on a diet isn’t temptation – it’s distraction. Change your perception of the word “temptation” to what it really is, which is distraction. Isn’t fulfilling your goal and the...