5 Simple Keys for Taking Massive Action in Your Life

5 Simple Keys for Taking Massive Action in Your Life

This is a kick-ass guest post by Henri Junttila You already know that taking massive action produces results, so the question becomes: why aren’t you doing it? Probably because you’re afraid, overwhelmed, or even worried, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact,...
Become Active to Get Life Balance!

Become Active to Get Life Balance!

Are you a couch potato or a dynamo? Do you live a healthy balanced life or are you stressed out and overwhelmed with challenges? No matter where you are in your life right now, you can start making changes today. Rest assured that it’s never too late! A few days ago I...
Be Remarkable to be Remark-Able

Be Remarkable to be Remark-Able

Do you ever do things that make other people remark about you? Do people rave about you and tell others about you? To be a remarkable person is to be someone worthy of notice, someone who is unusual, extraordinary or exceptional. In contrast someone “ordinary” is a...