How to Sleep Just 5 hours a Day and Feel Fantastic!

How to Sleep Just 5 hours a Day and Feel Fantastic!

What would your life be like if you suddenly gained a few extra hours each day? Can you see how you could then do more of the things you enjoy? Or maybe some of you would work even more hours on your businesses or work life! Today in the UK the clocks have gone back...
How to Always Speak With a Kind Heart

How to Always Speak With a Kind Heart

People may not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel. You may have heard that before, but when you really think about it, you will realise that you actually have great power and responsibility in each of your day...
How to Live with Acceptance and Friendship Every Day

How to Live with Acceptance and Friendship Every Day

What sort of world will our children have in 20 to 30 years from now? What’s our legacy going to be for them? Later on today, I am visiting some friends who have a baby daughter of 3 months old. When I first met their newly born baby a few weeks ago, I wondered...
9 Powerful Steps to Get Whatever You Want in Life

9 Powerful Steps to Get Whatever You Want in Life

“All good things are wild, and free.” ~ Henry David Thoreau This article is a close-up look at how to build a life of freedom on your own terms, and how to set the stage to make it happen no matter who you are or what you do. This article is only meant for those...
Why Every Day and Every Moment is So Special

Why Every Day and Every Moment is So Special

In years to come, how will you remember 10/10/10? Today is a very special day – 10th October 2010. There has been much written about today’s date – 10/10/10. Various cultures see the number ten as lucky – and today is one of the busiest days for weddings around the...
Change Your Life by Simply Changing One Word!

Change Your Life by Simply Changing One Word!

Do you like to cook or do you just hate the thought of being in the kitchen? If not cooking, what is it that you really don’t like doing? So often in our lives, we do things without really putting our heart into it. We then just go through the motions and this shows...
10 Lessons from a Spider About Achieving your Dreams

10 Lessons from a Spider About Achieving your Dreams

This article comes with a health warning! Some people are averse to Spiders, but by the time you have read this post, you may well love them! Last night I saw a beautiful sight. Well, beautiful to me anyway. Right outside my front door, I saw a giant spider’s web....
2 Empowering Words We All Like to Hear Again and Again

2 Empowering Words We All Like to Hear Again and Again

Have you ever wondered why we say so much when saying less says so much more? Yesterday I was invited to a personal development seminar by a friend which I found very useful. Upon returning home I sent her a simple email with the subject header “Two words”. In the...
8 Powerful Ways to Add Vibrant Colour to Your Life

8 Powerful Ways to Add Vibrant Colour to Your Life

Are you following the same routine week after week? Is your life boring you to tears? And do you feel like you have fallen into a rut and can’t get out? If so, you may be experiencing your life in shades of grey. On the contrary, a life full of vibrant colour bursts...