Clear a Heavy Head in Just 10 Minutes: Get a Haircut!

Clear a Heavy Head in Just 10 Minutes: Get a Haircut!

Do you ever suffer from a heavy head? I had a heavy head yesterday morning and it didn’t feel great. Maybe you can relate to this – a sheer feeling of heaviness and sluggishness. So I found a simple solution – I had a haircut. And immediately I felt so much better. It...
How to Get to Your Own Nirvana in Just a Few Minutes

How to Get to Your Own Nirvana in Just a Few Minutes

Have you ever been in Nirvana? If so, wouldn’t it be wonderful to create Nirvana in your life all the time? Before you let your imagination run riot, let’s be clear that I am not talking here about some drug-infused state of mind. Nirvana means different things...
9/11 Remembered: 11 Articles to Sow Peace and Healing

9/11 Remembered: 11 Articles to Sow Peace and Healing

How has your life changed since 9/11? More importantly, what have you done to bring more peace and healing to the world since that day? As you look around today, the world is not a safer or more peaceful place than it was 9 years ago. We find ourselves embroiled in a...
Why it’s Time to Dump that Young Lady from Your Back!

Why it’s Time to Dump that Young Lady from Your Back!

This is a guest post from Stephen Farah I am delighted and truly honoured to be hosting Stephen’s first ever guest post. I once heard a line in the movie A House of Games (1987) which I have never forgotten: “When you have done something unforgivable, I...
Become Human Again – Just Take a Short Bus Journey!

Become Human Again – Just Take a Short Bus Journey!

I have just travelled on a London red bus for 30 mins or so. Nothing unusual or strange about that at all. Except that in less than 30 mins, I saw and experienced a kaleidoscope of humanity in all its guises, forms and challenges. As is my norm and my favourite hobby,...
Why You Are So Insignificant You Might As Well be Dead!

Why You Are So Insignificant You Might As Well be Dead!

Have you ever wondered just how significant your life is in the great scheme of things? And how would the world be any different if you were not in it? Our entire life is based on our sense of who we are and the identity vested in us by society and more importantly by...
Mother Teresa – 6 Key Life Lessons from a 100 Year Old Woman

Mother Teresa – 6 Key Life Lessons from a 100 Year Old Woman

Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa. She would have been 100 years old today had she not passed away in September 1997. A while ago I wrote about the 6 key lessons in life from a 140 year old man. Just like Mahatma Gandhi, though Mother Teresa...
Why Trust in the World Begins with You & Not A Guide Dog

Why Trust in the World Begins with You & Not A Guide Dog

Do you trust the world and the people around you? Or do you feel that the world is a hostile place and you just can’t trust anything or anyone? I meet some people in the course of my life and my work who seem to be completely closed off to the world and what it...
Why Bringing People Together Is Just A Picnic

Why Bringing People Together Is Just A Picnic

Are you a party animal or do you prefer to be somewhere quiet on your own? And do you like bringing people together or do you leave it to others? On this Sunday, 22nd Aug, I am once again holding my annual picnic for friends and their friends. This will be the 9th...
Muslims Love Their Children Too – Just Like Me and You

Muslims Love Their Children Too – Just Like Me and You

Have you ever had your home and all your worldly possessions swept away by a giant wall of water? If you are able to read this right now, then probably not. But for a quirk of fate, this is exactly what could have happened to you. And this is just what’s happened to...