Why Sometimes you Should Just Leap Before Looking

Why Sometimes you Should Just Leap Before Looking

Do you always take your time before deciding most things? Or do you just jump in to make it happen for you? Most of us have been brought up to be cautious and to weigh up everything before starting on anything. Some cultures have this characteristic more than others...
Why it’s Always a Good Idea to Celebrate your Birthday

Why it’s Always a Good Idea to Celebrate your Birthday

Do you always celebrate your birthday or do you cringe and keep it a secret since you are another year older? Isn’t it curious how some people really make a song and dance about their birthdays whilst others would rather hide away for the day. But what exactly...
7 Key Lessons from the Most Painful Day of My Life

7 Key Lessons from the Most Painful Day of My Life

A guest post from Stacey Curnow. Have you ever gone through so much pain that you doubted it could have any value? Sometimes life can present so many challenges you may very well wonder if it will ever end. Is this pain worth it? To answer that question, I invite you...
Stop Being a Drama Queen and Become Happy Instead!

Stop Being a Drama Queen and Become Happy Instead!

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have so much drama in their lives? Whereas some people breeze through life, others seem to live from one crisis to another. Some people just seem to crave drama, create drama and look for drama. The word that is used...
Why Laughter is the First Medicine You Should Always Take!

Why Laughter is the First Medicine You Should Always Take!

When was the last time you truly laughed? What stops you from laughing more often? Just imagine what it would be like to be able to laugh away all your aches and pains. Have a closer look at the image on the left – it’s an incredible image and one of the...
Be Your Own Dog Rather than Following Any Dogma

Be Your Own Dog Rather than Following Any Dogma

Do you think for yourself or do you go along with the masses? What would be it be like to really follow your own head and heart, and reach your own conclusions about life and how it should be lived? Today, one of the challenges the world faces is the rule of dogma. I...
Why Your Queen and Your Gifts Should Never be Locked up

Why Your Queen and Your Gifts Should Never be Locked up

How good are you with sharing your gifts with the world? Are you generous with your talents, possessions and time? Or do you hold on tightly and hide everything? Just imagine what it would be like to share more of you and your gifts with the world. We make a living by...
Go for a Walk and Let Go of Any Baggage At Once

Go for a Walk and Let Go of Any Baggage At Once

Do you know how much stuff you carry around with you unnecessarily? By stuff, I mean not just physical but also the mental clutter we have most of the time. It is not always easy to get rid of the mental chatter, but you can certainly let go of the physical stuff...
How To Be An Infectious Lover of Life and Never Feel Guilty Again!

How To Be An Infectious Lover of Life and Never Feel Guilty Again!

Would YOU stick your head in a crocodile’s mouth just for kicks?! Do you go through life with a skip and a bounce or are you just plodding along? Something that has always intrigued me is how some people have an infectious love of life, whereas others seem to be...