The Day I Saved a Drowning Bug and Why

The Day I Saved a Drowning Bug and Why

A few days ago as I brushed my teeth in the morning a miracle happened just before my eyes. I turned the tap in the bathroom sink and as the water strarted gushing out, I saw a tiny speck swirling about in the rushing water. I jumped and quickly plugged the sinkhole...
10 Ways to Turn a Boring Relationship into a Party of Love!

10 Ways to Turn a Boring Relationship into a Party of Love!

Has YOUR relationship lost its Sparkle, Fizz and Sizzle!? We have all been in this situation. At first it was a passionate relationship. After a while, the fire of passion becomes a lot colder. You get used to each other and then take each other for granted. And very...
The One and Only Secret for Getting a Jumbo Memory!

The One and Only Secret for Getting a Jumbo Memory!

Just how good is your memory? It is said that elephants never forget anything. Though this may have started off as some fable, there is now considerable scientific evidence showing that elephants do indeed have a phenomenal memory. How would your life change if you...
Stop Acting, Start Living!

Stop Acting, Start Living!

I have just returned from a weekend retreat at the Global Retreat Centre run by the Brahma Kumaris. This is a non religious, NGO whose teachings I have been exposed to for many years through my parents. Please do check out the amazing work they do. The core of the...
How to do an Obama and Receive the Nobel Peace Prize!

How to do an Obama and Receive the Nobel Peace Prize!

I am writing this quick post from a beautiful retreat place in Oxfordshire, England. I am on a Peace Retreat for the weekend and as I was driving down from London, I listened to President Obama graciously acknowledging the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to him just one...
Rip Up your Happiness Contract and Be Truly Happy!

Rip Up your Happiness Contract and Be Truly Happy!

Did you know that you have your own “Happiness Contract?” This is a set of beliefs you hold that determines just how much happiness you feel you deserve and how much happiness you believe is too good to be true. A week ago I attended an inspirational talk by Dr Robert...
Find Peace Today Rather Than One Day, Some Day!

Find Peace Today Rather Than One Day, Some Day!

Today, 21st September, is the annual “Peace One Day”, a day of non-violence and ceasefire, a 24 hour-long initiative for life-saving activities around the world. It’s time to make peace happen in the world. It all started 10 years ago with one man’s vision and...
Why No Pain, No Gain is a Myth!

Why No Pain, No Gain is a Myth!

Do you believe that life is a struggle? Or do you breeze through life like a butterfly? I believe that we all take life too seriously and we struggle through life, whereas we really don’t need to. We have been brought up, especially in the West, to believe that...
Why it is Okay to Blow Your Own Trumpet!

Why it is Okay to Blow Your Own Trumpet!

Are you self-effacing, down to earth and humble? Or do you shout from the rooftops about how great and wonderful you are? Gandhi was a very humble man, but he was a very powerful man indeed! Though there is no one right or wrong way about how one should put themselves...
If You are What You Eat, Then Why do You still Crave Chocolate?

If You are What You Eat, Then Why do You still Crave Chocolate?

This morning I had a fabulous breakfast feast with home made bean sprouts, fresh coconut from the Notting Hill Carnival and garnished with vegetarian Furikake and smothered in oodles of virgin olive oil. Furikake is a wonderful Japanese seasoning containing black...