Eternal Words of Wisdom from an Evening with the Dalai Lama

Eternal Words of Wisdom from an Evening with the Dalai Lama

Ok – I didn’t really spend an evening with the Dalai Lama in person. But I had the next best thing – a showing of a movie called “Dalai Lama Renaisssance”, a documentary which is set to spread his inspirational message around the world...
10 Simple Tips to Have the Joy of Diwali all Year Round!

10 Simple Tips to Have the Joy of Diwali all Year Round!

It is Diwali time and once again a time to celebrate Diwali with family and some friends. It is always a special time, though like at Christmas it can have its challenges too. “Diwali” means the festival of lights and it is a time of rejoicing. It is the...
Examine and Experience Life for Yourself

Examine and Experience Life for Yourself

I have just received a stunningly beautiful thank-you card from some friends who recently came to mine for lunch. Isn’t it just wonderful when people go out of their way to show their appreciation? There is a beautifully handwritten message inside the card...
9 Tips to Create an Extra Hour Every Day

9 Tips to Create an Extra Hour Every Day

Today in the UK like in many other countries, the clocks went back one hour. So when I woke up early this morning naturally at 8am it was actually only 7am. This practice has been going on for a few years so as to “save” the daylight for farmers etc. So when I woke up...
You Can If You Think You Can!

You Can If You Think You Can!

Every now and then, I receive one of those chain emails which you are supposed to pass on etc. I normally ignore them but sometimes there is a lot of wisdom in these messages. Here  is one that I received recently which is all about making things happen and how it is...
Take up the Scrunchie Challenge to Make Things Happen!

Take up the Scrunchie Challenge to Make Things Happen!

Here is a great idea and tool to help you make things happen, from my friend Albert Foong at The Urban Monk. Do check out his blog soon – his is one of the few inspirational blogs I visit regularly It is a deceptively simple yet powerful method to reinforce positive...
Dig Just a Little and You will Discover Gold!

Dig Just a Little and You will Discover Gold!

I came across the above image again recently after first seeing it many years ago when a friend shared how much we all had to offer the world. His point was that we only ever look at a person at a superficial level but when we take some time to get to know them...