Hold your own Friend’s Picnic Anywhere in the World :-)

Hold your own Friend’s Picnic Anywhere in the World :-)

If you are not able to attend my annual “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” on Sunday 4th August 2024 in Regents Park, London, then how about organising your own? No matter where you are in the world, it will be a great way to bring together...
Time for “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” 2007 :-)

Time for “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” 2007 :-)

Everyone one of us has many gifts for the world. And one of mine has always been the ability to get people together. A few years ago, I decided to get all my friends, contacts and acquaintances together in one place for a picnic. I called it the “Friends and...
Why it’s a Crime to go Around with a Miserable Face!

Why it’s a Crime to go Around with a Miserable Face!

In one of my articles last week, I talked about joy and spreading it. This reminded me of someone I have met many times over the years and engaged with through his meditation and yoga programs. Every now and then, I come across someone who truly inspires me through...
Comedy Show Marriage Proposal – Love is all that Matters!

Comedy Show Marriage Proposal – Love is all that Matters!

On Sunday evening I went to the Open Air Theatre in Regents Park to watch their annual comedy show. This event featured players from the famed Comedy Store. I have managed to watch this show every year for the last few years and is a highlight of my social calendar....
Approach Love and Cooking with Reckless Abandon!

Approach Love and Cooking with Reckless Abandon!

A couple of days ago I wrote about cooking with love. Love and food are so intertwined. Maybe one can’t even have one without the other. To love someone is also to want the best of everything for them – and that includes the best food and nutrition. So how...
The Art of Cooking and Eating with Gratitude

The Art of Cooking and Eating with Gratitude

They say that we get messages for our life from all sorts of places if only we are open to receiving them. It is all about the law of attraction principle – you get back what you put out. You attract what you focus on… Yesterday in my local garden centre...
It’s Time to Let your Light Shine :-)

It’s Time to Let your Light Shine :-)

Last week I was privileged and honoured to be at a talk by Marianne Williamson, author of “A Return to Love” (Amazon UK / Amazon USA) and famed for having written the words Our Light , often incorrectly attributed to Nelson Mandela. She spoke passionately...
You Have to Eat an Elephant Bite by Bite!

You Have to Eat an Elephant Bite by Bite!

Like a lot of people around the world today at 11.11 GMT, I sat quietly and meditated as part of the worldwide Fire the Grid project. The idea was to bring about worldwide positive change through the consciousness of like minded people meditating and reflecting for an...