Make the Time Everyday to Pick More Daisies!

Make the Time Everyday to Pick More Daisies!

Yesterday I wrote how it was time to rest, sow and reap. It is funny how things always work out well. After I finished in the garden, later in the day, the heavens opened up and my newly planted seeds got an ample and much needed boost of heavenly water. That saved me...
Time to Rest, Sow and Reap

Time to Rest, Sow and Reap

It is funny how quickly time has been going. It seems only yesterday that I decided to create an organic garden on my doorstep. Yet almost three months have gone by since I started on the project in my back garden. It seems as if it has been raining incessantly ever...
A Prayer for an End to Violence

A Prayer for an End to Violence

In my last post, I wrote about hope from the heartbreak of 7/7 after the London train and bombs on 7th July 2005. Today I was sent an email about a memorial service held for the 52 victims of those bombs in London. The victims were remembered by their familes and...
Hope From the Heartbreak of 7/7

Hope From the Heartbreak of 7/7

It is already 2 years today since the bombings in London on 7th July 2005. The picture above shows the peace flower created on the first anniversary of 7/7 last year in Regents Park. As we today remember those killed and injured on that fateful day, it is heart...
Show More Compassion – My Last Ever Blog Post

Show More Compassion – My Last Ever Blog Post

It is 30th June, and we are at the half way point in the year. How quickly this year has flown by! Having recently suffered the sad loss of a friend, I am reminded more than ever before of the futility and fragility of our lives. My friend Albert Foong who writes some...
No More Clothes Smelling of Smoke!

No More Clothes Smelling of Smoke!

The new law to ban smoking from public places finally comes into place from tomorrow in England. A whole new era begins of cleaner bars, clubs and restaurants. It will be wonderful to go out socialising and not have to worry about inhaling secondary smoke and going...
Blue Moon Means it’s TIME for New Beginnings!

Blue Moon Means it’s TIME for New Beginnings!

Today is Blue Moon Dday! Before you got outside to check out the colour of the moon through the rainy clouds, being blue just means that it is the second full moon of this month. A blue moon is usually defined as the second full moon to occur in a single calendar...
There’s a New Man in Downing Street!

There’s a New Man in Downing Street!

A new man has entered 10 Downing Street today:-) No matter what you think of Gordon Brown and his political leanings, you have to admire the achievement of his life long ambition. What burning ambition are you going to fulfil in your life time?!
Why Working from Home is the Future

Why Working from Home is the Future

I was recently interviewed by a radio show about working from home, which has always been seen as a luxury for a few lucky and high profile people. But now more and people are looking at flexible working as an exciting prospect. The question though is whether working...
Consumer Power is Here to Stay – So Have Your Say

Consumer Power is Here to Stay – So Have Your Say

A few weeks ago I wrote about Masterfoods were planning to introduce an animal product in its range of chocolates including Mars Bar. This sneaky plan by Masterfoods caused quite a stir with the company receiving over 6,000 calls and emails and 40 MPs even signing a...