Peace in My Time

Peace in My Time

On the anniversary of Gandhi’s death, it is pertinent to focus on peace in the world today. A couple of year ago, I bought the domain name at . There’s no website there currently, but I feel the time is right for me to launch it soon. The...
Recognise the Gifts All Around You

Recognise the Gifts All Around You

Another key to following your heart is to acknowledge all the “gifts” around you. For example, just get present to the beauty and majesty of a sunset. Or even the beauty of snow falling and lighting up the night sky. Gifts come to us in all shapes and...
I Know You Love Me, But You Never Say it!

I Know You Love Me, But You Never Say it!

A few years ago when I first started on my journey of personal growth and self development, one of the things I learnt was to become much more self expressive. I learnt to honestly express my feelings – you cannot imagine how closed I was just a few years ago. I used...
Gandhi – the Eternal Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Gandhi – the Eternal Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Today, 30th January, is the anniversary of the death of Gandhi. 59 years ago, he was assassinated as he made his way to evening prayers. Ironically it was a Hindu man who shot him. Gandhi is up there with all the great people who graced the 20th century. Yet it is a...
How to Stop Taxing Yourself For Ever!

How to Stop Taxing Yourself For Ever!

I have just finished my tax return form which needed to be filed by 31st January. Failing to do so correctly and on time would have incurred a penalty of £100 plus interest on any unpaid tax. My sheer relief and joy of having finished this much put off task was...
A Cat Has Nine Lives But You Only Have One – So Start Living It!

A Cat Has Nine Lives But You Only Have One – So Start Living It!

Cats are said to have nine lives. In some Eastern cultures, cats only have a measly seven lives. This superstition that cats have many lives probably originated since cats can survive falls from high places with few, if any injuries. It is almost as if they return to...
You’ve Got Someone Who Deeply Loves You!

You’ve Got Someone Who Deeply Loves You!

What would it be like to have in your life someone who loved you like no one else ever has? Someone in whose eyes you can do no wrong. Someone who worships you and thinks that you are the bee knees. Someone who loves you just the way you are. Someone who knows you...
Ten Pointers for your Life

Ten Pointers for your Life

Isn’t it funny how a lot of tips and pointers seem to be ten in total?! Here is another list of ten pointers for 2007 sent by a friend. 1. Always keep that childlike sense of wonder because it is that which pushes us to live. 2. Believe in the power of positive...
Open Up to More Love

Open Up to More Love

Have you ever felt let down or suffered from a “broken” heart? If so, did you move on, grow and become a better person? For me, forgiveness has been the single most important thing in moving on from past hurts and from perceived let downs in relationships....
Time to Let Go and Move On

Time to Let Go and Move On

Here in the UK, believe it or now, spring is only two months away. Whilst we shudder in the middle of our coldest spell this winter, warmer weather may seem a long time in coming but be assured that it will. Traditionally, spring is the time when people think of...