Why You Should Never Ever Feel Sorry for Yourself Again!

Why You Should Never Ever Feel Sorry for Yourself Again!

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself!? If so, welcome to the human race.  Most of us have been there at one time or another where we feel we’ve been hard done by life. Maybe you are feeling like that right now? Or maybe you know someone who’s always down in the dumps...
Our Greatest Lesson from the London 2012 Olympics

Our Greatest Lesson from the London 2012 Olympics

How were the Olympic Games for you? I am still on such a high after the biggest party of my life – I really got involved in the Olympic spirit and attended a few events and watched the main action in London’s high park. I am so glad that billions of people...
21 Reasons Why We Should All Embrace the London 2012 Olympics

21 Reasons Why We Should All Embrace the London 2012 Olympics

What’s the biggest party you have ever attended? Well, I am all excited and ready for the biggest event in London in our lifetime! Unless you have been hiding in a cave for the last few months, you would know that London is holding the 2012 Olympics. And now we are...
How to Be a Good Parent, Even if You Don’t Have Any Children!

How to Be a Good Parent, Even if You Don’t Have Any Children!

Do you live your life as an example to the children around you? Are you really the sort of role model you want your children to emulate? Children are not just our future – they are our present too. The way we bring them up and the example we set is going to...
How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking – and YOU Can Too

How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking – and YOU Can Too

Are you frightened of speaking in public? If so, then you’ll be pleased to know that you are not the only one! Research has found that speaking in public is the number one fear for most people. It comes even higher than the fear of dying. So quite literally, people...
Top 10 Reasons Why Losers Give Up: And How Not To Be a Loser Too!

Top 10 Reasons Why Losers Give Up: And How Not To Be a Loser Too!

How many times have you decided upon something and then just given up? How many times have you tried something and you quit as soon as it became hard? How many times have you postponed taking action till later, because you did not feel like doing it right away? The...
How to Climb Your Summit Again and Again

How to Climb Your Summit Again and Again

When you face a challenge in your life, do you keep going? Or do you just give up? So many people just give up. Or they look for excuses for their failure. “No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see...
How to Make It Happen with the Power of Your Intuition

How to Make It Happen with the Power of Your Intuition

Do you use the power of intuition in your life? So many times in my life I have ignore this inner knowing to either do something or not do something. And only later have I discovered to my dismay that I “should” have followed my inner voice. At other...
Why Death is the Great Arbitrator

Why Death is the Great Arbitrator

Do you live your life as if you will live forever? So many of us go through life without sparing a thought for tomorrow or the people to come after us. We forget that each of us only has so much time on this planet.  And this planet only has so much resources for our...