Why We Must All Listen to this MotorBike Crazy Mystic!

Why We Must All Listen to this MotorBike Crazy Mystic!

“Without working on human consciousness, trying to change social or national or global realities means there is no serious intention.” – Sadhguru Who is the most inspiring person you have met in your lifetime? I must say I have been lucky to have met so many...
Discover Your Ultimate Life Purpose Once and For All

Discover Your Ultimate Life Purpose Once and For All

Do you live your life with passion and excitement? Have you wondered what it is that makes some people skip through life with so much zest and energy? Or would you rather just sit on a funky chair all day long with a cheesy grin!? A while ago I featured on my blog...
How to Stop Being a Timid Mouse in Public!

How to Stop Being a Timid Mouse in Public!

Just how confident are you around other people? Are you a mouse in public? Or do you proudly strut your stuff? When I started coaching over 5 years ago, I didn’t know exactly what kind of coaching I wanted to do. I tried a bit of career coaching, a bit of...
Valentine’s Day – My Top 10 Relationship Articles of All Time

Valentine’s Day – My Top 10 Relationship Articles of All Time

So how is your Valentine’s Day going? No matter what, it really is just another day – if you can ignore all the commercial hype and media pressure. And I know – here’s yet another post for Valentine’s Day! However, today I would like to invite you to see this day, and...
How to Succeed at Anything in 15 minute Chunks

How to Succeed at Anything in 15 minute Chunks

 “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes” – Andy Warhol. Are you aware of just how much time you waste each day? Would you be shocked if I told you that every day you are squandering away hours and hours of your precious life? Let’s look...
How to Detox in Just Five Days and Enjoy It!

How to Detox in Just Five Days and Enjoy It!

When was the last time you went without solid foods for a week? If you haven’t ever done so, here are some tips to do so easily and to enjoy it at the same time. It’s now a week since I finished my Green Juicing Fast – and what a journey it’s been! For a few...
How to See the Beauty and Greatness in Any Tragedy

How to See the Beauty and Greatness in Any Tragedy

Have you ever suffered great sadness? Has life dealt you such a blow that you wondered if you’ll ever recover? Every day we face so many challenges in our daily lives which can knock us out of our stride and daily routine. Yet in the greater scheme of things, what...
Green Juicing – Your Secret to Health, Vitality & Youth

Green Juicing – Your Secret to Health, Vitality & Youth

Just how healthy and fit are you? Are you energised, full of vitality and youthful? Or are you over-weight, drained and getting old before your time? To create a big and bold life for yourself, you need to be in optimum health and to eat the most nutritious foods....
Why Playing Big Helps You Let Go of Small Things

Why Playing Big Helps You Let Go of Small Things

Are you playing big yet in your life? If not, then why not? In my coaching work with various clients, I am meeting more and more people who really want to play big and make a contribution to the world. It’s really heartening for me that there are so many people in the...
Time to Be Bold and Play Big in 2012!

Time to Be Bold and Play Big in 2012!

Today I am interviewing Tess Marshall from The Bold Life on her new e-course, “Take Your Fear and Shove It: How to Be Bold, Play Big, and Shine Bright” This is in line with my intention to help all of you live a BIG life in 2012 – check out my...