Whatever You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin it!

Whatever You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin it!

A friend once sent me a beautiful, hand-written card a few years ago – I now refer to this card anytime I seek added inspiration. These famous words are from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:- Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Until one is committed there is...
When Someone Insults You, Simply Rise Up Above Them

When Someone Insults You, Simply Rise Up Above Them

The Gandhi play I watched earlier this week was called “Sammy! – A word that broke an Empire” since Sammy was the insult thrown at Indians in South Africa. This was around the time Gandhi was there in the later part of the 19th century. What South Africans did...
What the World Urgently Needs Today

What the World Urgently Needs Today

People often ask me about how to train to become a coach etc. At one time, I used to immediately connect them with a couple of coaching schools. But now I tell them that what the world needs today is not more coaches or even more New Year resolutions to have more, do...
The World Needs Your Wisdom and Energy

The World Needs Your Wisdom and Energy

As a result of all the snow today around the UK, a number of schools closed for the day. Tomorrow, I was due to speak to deliver some workshops to around 300 pupils at my old school, over 20 years after leaving. But the weather has meant that the workshops have also...
10 Powerful Lessons Life has Taught Me

10 Powerful Lessons Life has Taught Me

Later this week, I will be delivering some workshops to around 300 pupils at my old school, over 20 years after leaving. In all those years, everything I have achieved and experienced, both in my personal and professional life, has its foundation in the few years I...
There is Only One of You – A Wonderful Unlimited Human Being!

There is Only One of You – A Wonderful Unlimited Human Being!

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a seminar by one of my mentors, Bob Proctor. He started off by talking about the power of the mind and how unique we all are. To make his point he read out this verse from James T Moore:- Every single blade of grass, And...