Get into Action and No More Excuses!

Get into Action and No More Excuses!

Are you very creative when it comes to thinking up excuses?! Would you rather be a beach bum than get on with the really important things in life? Having fun on the beach is of course fine – as long as you have made the time for it 🙂 Procrastination is the art...
Leadership in the Current Climate of Change

Leadership in the Current Climate of Change

The world is today changing rapidly and this is affecting the world of business as never before. Globalisation, the Internet and emerging economies such as in India and China are bringing huge challenges to businesses in the UK and the western world. Organisations are...
12 Smart Tips for Working from Home

12 Smart Tips for Working from Home

As more and more people seem to be working from home, here are my simple tips for making it a success:- 1. Treat it like any other job • Start at a set time, take a lunch break, have a finish time (even if you go over it sometimes). Decide how many hours a week you...