Why You Should Always Stop to Listen to Music

Why You Should Always Stop to Listen to Music

Do you ever stop to listen to live music or are you too absorbed in your own life? What music and beauty lies within you and around you that you are yet to discover? “Music can change the world because it can change people” – Bono One of the things I...
How You Too Can Be An Energiser Bunny for 24 Hours a Day!

How You Too Can Be An Energiser Bunny for 24 Hours a Day!

How much energy and zest do you bring into your day? Do you manage to keep going at full throttle or do you start slacking half way through the day? One of the great things of my life is the many amazing people in it – inspirational people who make my life what it is...
7 Key Lessons from the Most Painful Day of My Life

7 Key Lessons from the Most Painful Day of My Life

A guest post from Stacey Curnow. Have you ever gone through so much pain that you doubted it could have any value? Sometimes life can present so many challenges you may very well wonder if it will ever end. Is this pain worth it? To answer that question, I invite you...
Why Laughter is the First Medicine You Should Always Take!

Why Laughter is the First Medicine You Should Always Take!

When was the last time you truly laughed? What stops you from laughing more often? Just imagine what it would be like to be able to laugh away all your aches and pains. Have a closer look at the image on the left – it’s an incredible image and one of the...
How To Be An Infectious Lover of Life and Never Feel Guilty Again!

How To Be An Infectious Lover of Life and Never Feel Guilty Again!

Would YOU stick your head in a crocodile’s mouth just for kicks?! Do you go through life with a skip and a bounce or are you just plodding along? Something that has always intrigued me is how some people have an infectious love of life, whereas others seem to be...