Take Off Your Superman Cape and Become Human Again!

Take Off Your Superman Cape and Become Human Again!

Do you believe that you have to go through life as a superman or superwoman? Have you always felt that you had to be the best at everything? If so then you are like many people who go through life constantly trying to get better and be the best. Everything they do has...
How My Single Day of Blindness Opened My Eyes For Ever

How My Single Day of Blindness Opened My Eyes For Ever

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be blind? Many years ago, as a schoolboy I took part in some fundraising for the Royal Blind Society. It was on a Saturday in a busy town shopping centre and involved selling some red flags in return for coins and notes...
Stop Acting, Start Living!

Stop Acting, Start Living!

I have just returned from a weekend retreat at the Global Retreat Centre run by the Brahma Kumaris. This is a non religious, NGO whose teachings I have been exposed to for many years through my parents. Please do check out the amazing work they do. The core of the...
Rip Up your Happiness Contract and Be Truly Happy!

Rip Up your Happiness Contract and Be Truly Happy!

Did you know that you have your own “Happiness Contract?” This is a set of beliefs you hold that determines just how much happiness you feel you deserve and how much happiness you believe is too good to be true. A week ago I attended an inspirational talk by Dr Robert...
8 Simple Tips to Have a Carnival in your Life Every Day

8 Simple Tips to Have a Carnival in your Life Every Day

Have you ever been to any of the world’s top carnivals in Rio, Trinidad or London? What would your life be like if everyday was a carnival? Over the last 2 days, I joined thousands of others revellers at the Notting Hill carnival in London, Europe’s largest street...
Get your Goals with Less Pain!

Get your Goals with Less Pain!

I have often written about goal setting and the importance of having clearly defined objectives. My friend and blogging mentor, Leo Babauta has recently written about an alternate approach – he talks about being open to what emerges and going for simplicity. His...