Celebrate your Life with Dance and Love Every Day :-)

Celebrate your Life with Dance and Love Every Day :-)

Life always offers us lessons and sometimes in the harshest way possible. As we grow older, we are all likely to lose our friends, parents, family members. The passing of our loved ones and indeed our own passing one day one of the only guarantees that we have in this...
Time for Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic 2008!

Time for Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic 2008!

I have been away from the world of blogging for what seems like a long time. And six weeks is indeed a long time for me as at one time I used to blog almost daily. I have simply taken some time out from the online world as much as possible and the break has done me a...
Feel Deep Gratitude on Sunday Mornings and Every Morning

Feel Deep Gratitude on Sunday Mornings and Every Morning

It is a beautiful Sunday morning here in London – crisp but gloriously sunny. It feels really quiet and peaceful outside and I can even hear the birds from my garden. A while ago I wrote about how Sundays mornings were the best time of the week for me. As I...
Why It’s Time to Make It Happen Again in Your Life and Mine

Why It’s Time to Make It Happen Again in Your Life and Mine

It has been two very surreal and eventful months. After the sudden and untimely death of my father, where do I even begin to descibe the last few weeks?! Suffice to say that it has been like being in a dark fog for weeks on end, interspersed with the occassional bit...
My Biggest Learning from This Year

My Biggest Learning from This Year

  As seems to be the custom at this time of the year to review the year just about to end, I am very clear about the biggest lesson I have learnt this year. This was a year when I lost my best friend in June in tragic curcumstances in the USA, only a week after...