When God Paints, She Uses all Her Colours!

When God Paints, She Uses all Her Colours!

Our world is so beautiful, we just have to look for all the beauty around us and in us. For the beauty of nature just check out the awesome picture above and the ones below. From a gorgeous day in London, this article needs further words except thanks to the friend in...
Happiness is a Voyage

Happiness is a Voyage

In the last few weeks, I have been deeply reflecting about my own life and what it all means to me. This period of deeper retrospection has come about partly due to the passing away of a close friend. It has made me realize once again just how futile our daily...
Seven Principles of Radiant Living

Seven Principles of Radiant Living

A while ago, a friend shared with me these wonderful “Seven Principles for Radiant Living” from a book by Jason Chan with the same title:- 1. I believe that I am the master of my own life 2. I let go of the past and embrace the present 3. I will be kind to...
It’s Time to Smile Like a Gorilla!

It’s Time to Smile Like a Gorilla!

What a wonderful picture! I bet it brought a smile to your face 🙂 I have featured it here for that very reason – we all need to smile much more. And what better way to get us all smiling than a funny and genuinely warm picture from the animal world? A few years...
Allow Gifts of Light into Your Life :-)

Allow Gifts of Light into Your Life :-)

A few days ago I wrote about how it was time to let your light shine No sooner had I written that article, I got two very relevant and timely gifts from friends, which will literally allow me t ohave more light in my life:-) The first friend gifted me two lovely...
Hold your own Friend’s Picnic Anywhere in the World :-)

Hold your own Friend’s Picnic Anywhere in the World :-)

If you are not able to attend my annual “Friends and Friend’s Friends Picnic” on Sunday 4th August 2024 in Regents Park, London, then how about organising your own? No matter where you are in the world, it will be a great way to bring together...