Follow your Heart

Follow your Heart

A couple of years ago when I was writing my second book “Get the Life you Love and Live it”, something major happened that changed the direction and content of the book. It was all about learning to follow the heart. In the summer of 2005, I had been...
Abundance, Abundance, Abundance – All Around You

Abundance, Abundance, Abundance – All Around You

Do you live in a world of abundance? Or do you come from a place of scarcity and lack? Abundance is a lot more than just money or material things. You live in a very rich and beautiful world – you just have to open your eyes. Just think about the beauty of the...
Have Fun Just Like The Penguins!

Have Fun Just Like The Penguins!

It is Monday morning and for some people it is not the best day of the week. Apparently more heart attacks occur between 9 and 10 on a Monday morning. However I am sure this does not apply to you :-). Also, we are due to have snow this week in London (yippee!). So to...
How to Have Sunshine in Your Life all Year Around

How to Have Sunshine in Your Life all Year Around

How much sunshine do you have in your life? Here in the UK we tend to get dark days much more than light days, especially right now in the middle of winter. Yesterday, most of the UK was plummeted by high winds and driving rain, causing chaos, turmoil and flooding....
The Weather is just Weather!

The Weather is just Weather!

As I write this at my London home, there is a gale force wind blowing and rain lashing down. This is supposed to be the worst spell of sustained windy weather we have had in the UK for a while. It must be bad because I woke up this morning to a puddle in the bathroom...