My Greatest Thanksgiving Gift of all – A Life you Love!

My Greatest Thanksgiving Gift of all – A Life you Love!

Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone! I am sending you all a huge tiger hug:-) I love the idea of having a special day of thanksgiving whereby we can express our gratitude for all that’s good in our lives. Welcome to new readers and a big hello to old readers. It feels...
Don’t go Through Life so Fast!

Don’t go Through Life so Fast!

Do you go through life so fast that you miss out on real life!? What would your life be like if you simply slowed down enough to notice the people around you and to truly connect with them? Here in London, it’s really rather quiet and surreal now that the...
Top 10 Reasons Why Losers Give Up: And How Not To Be a Loser Too!

Top 10 Reasons Why Losers Give Up: And How Not To Be a Loser Too!

How many times have you decided upon something and then just given up? How many times have you tried something and you quit as soon as it became hard? How many times have you postponed taking action till later, because you did not feel like doing it right away? The...
How to Find Your Mojo Through Meditation!

How to Find Your Mojo Through Meditation!

Can you remember a time when you truly had your mojo? A time when you felt on top of the world, full of self-confidence, self-esteem and unstoppable? I bet you can look back on your life and you can remember a time when you felt like this. If not, then really go back...
Say YES to Change!

Say YES to Change!

Are you open to changing your life? Or do you struggle to move forward and make positive changes? No matter where you are currently in your life, there are probably some areas you want to change for whatever reason. Maybe it’s time to find a more fulfilling job,...