A Book Straight from My Father’s Heart to You

A Book Straight from My Father’s Heart to You

It’s three years today since I suddenly lost my father. Yes, that’s him on the left. Handsome dude. And he was my father. And I am his son, believe it or not. I feel I got his intelligence genes, not the ones for looks:-) As I write these words, it was...
How Mindfulness Can Save Your Life

How Mindfulness Can Save Your Life

This article might just save your life. Do you multi-task? Probably multiple times a day, right? Well, contrary to all the articles you’ve no doubt read about the ways to “multi-task the right way”, I’m here to tell you that you probably shouldn’t do it at all and...
Change Your Life by Simply Changing One Word!

Change Your Life by Simply Changing One Word!

Do you like to cook or do you just hate the thought of being in the kitchen? If not cooking, what is it that you really don’t like doing? So often in our lives, we do things without really putting our heart into it. We then just go through the motions and this shows...
8 Powerful Ways to Add Vibrant Colour to Your Life

8 Powerful Ways to Add Vibrant Colour to Your Life

Are you following the same routine week after week? Is your life boring you to tears? And do you feel like you have fallen into a rut and can’t get out? If so, you may be experiencing your life in shades of grey. On the contrary, a life full of vibrant colour bursts...