Time to Make Peace Happen

Time to Make Peace Happen

Today, September 21st is International Peace Day. Check out Peace One Day to learn more about the day. It is inspiring how the vision of one man a few years has created this international peace day. On this website you can also make your commitment to what you will do...
The Legacy of 9/11 – Peace in our Time?

The Legacy of 9/11 – Peace in our Time?

Today is the 6th anniversary of 9/11, that fateful day when 2 planes demolished the World Trade Centre in New York. Everyone remembers just where they were when they heard the news. I was working in the City of London and watched the world changing events unfolding on...
Gandhi’s Legacy for Generations to Come

Gandhi’s Legacy for Generations to Come

Last week, I was lucky enough to have my mother come and stay with me on her own for the first time in many years. We bonded once again and one evening we watched the movie “Gandhi”. It was quite a special time and the movie brought back wonderful memories...
A Prayer for an End to Violence

A Prayer for an End to Violence

In my last post, I wrote about hope from the heartbreak of 7/7 after the London train and bombs on 7th July 2005. Today I was sent an email about a memorial service held for the 52 victims of those bombs in London. The victims were remembered by their familes and...
Hope From the Heartbreak of 7/7

Hope From the Heartbreak of 7/7

It is already 2 years today since the bombings in London on 7th July 2005. The picture above shows the peace flower created on the first anniversary of 7/7 last year in Regents Park. As we today remember those killed and injured on that fateful day, it is heart...
Is Globalisation a Reality or Just a Big Joke?

Is Globalisation a Reality or Just a Big Joke?

I have just received one of those emails which seem to go around the world with a quirky message. As the world seems to get smaller and smaller, it is amazing how intertwined our lives have become. This email posed the question:- What is the truest definition of...