Whilst listening to the car radio this morning whilst returning from a meeting, I was intrigued by a studio debate about whether or not UK households should have weekly or fortnightly refuse collection. The idea put forward is that by having fortnightly collections,...
To mark the 60th anniversary of the publication of Anne Frank’s diary, the Anne Frank Trust are aiming to spread her message even more over the coming months. One way for you to support their work and to help spread her message is to learn and live by the Anne...
Yesterday morning, I spent three hours watching the London marathon on TV. Sport is about the only thing I watch on TV so this was pure indulgence. If things had panned out differently, I too would have been running yesterday. I wrote in January about how this was the...
As most of the developed world gets ready for the Easter break, spare a thought for those to whom today is just another day in a struggle for survival and progress. For a lot of children, an Easter chocolate bunny is only a fantasy. This is not about feeling guilty or...
Last week I received two wedding invitations – it seems that a lot of my friends are getting married this year. So far I know of 4 friends getting married in 2007, in locations as exotic as India, the Bahamas – and of course London 🙂 Nowadays, with the...
Are you concerned about the amount of excessive packaging our food comes in nowadays? I have just had lunch and it is simply amazing how much packaging our food comes in nowadays. As I already recycle as much as possible, I am wondering what else I could be doing....