Are you aware of your clock ticking? Whether you are willing to acknowledge it or not, you are here only for a limited time. Today most people live as if they will live to 97 and beyond. How else can we explain the way people live their lives today? It is as if they...
This is a guest post from Bamboo Forest That slice of pizza you’re craving when you’re on a diet isn’t temptation – it’s distraction. Change your perception of the word “temptation” to what it really is, which is distraction. Isn’t fulfilling your goal and the...
This is a kick-ass guest post by Henri Junttila You already know that taking massive action produces results, so the question becomes: why aren’t you doing it? Probably because you’re afraid, overwhelmed, or even worried, and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact,...
What would your life be like if you suddenly gained a few extra hours each day? Can you see how you could then do more of the things you enjoy? Or maybe some of you would work even more hours on your businesses or work life! Today in the UK the clocks have gone back...
This article comes with a health warning! Some people are averse to Spiders, but by the time you have read this post, you may well love them! Last night I saw a beautiful sight. Well, beautiful to me anyway. Right outside my front door, I saw a giant spider’s web....
Do you ever wonder if you have what it takes? When was the last time you allowed yourself to just be? A couple of days ago, I was working with a coaching client and what came up was how sometimes we can feel like there is so much to do and yet so little time. We end...