The Ultimate Secret to Always Winning in Life

The Ultimate Secret to Always Winning in Life

What motivates you to be your best? Who do you use as comparison to push your limits? In years of competition from academics to business to athletics and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I’ve found the best competition to be the same person every time: Myself. You always...
How You Too Can Win the World Cup of Your Life

How You Too Can Win the World Cup of Your Life

In case you have not noticed, the 2010 Football World Cup started today. Even if you have no interest in the game and find all the news coverage overwhelming, you can not deny the global appeal of the world’s biggest sporting event which happens every 4 years....
The Zen of Social Media Marketing and How to Make It Happen

The Zen of Social Media Marketing and How to Make It Happen

Just how hot are you on using Social Media Marketing? Wherever you go, people are talking about social media – in the recent UK election, for the first time, social media tools and especially twitter really caught the public’s imagination So what’s...
Why Sometimes you Should Just Leap Before Looking

Why Sometimes you Should Just Leap Before Looking

Do you always take your time before deciding most things? Or do you just jump in to make it happen for you? Most of us have been brought up to be cautious and to weigh up everything before starting on anything. Some cultures have this characteristic more than others...
What Will it Take for More of You to Show Up?

What Will it Take for More of You to Show Up?

Do you hold back from showing up at your best? Or do you strut your stuff like a proud peacock? So often I have played small for fear of being considered egotistical, a showoff or simply a smartass. Also coming from an Indian background it was instilled in me to be...