When was the last time you detoxed your body?
If you have never done so, then this is as good a time as any.
I carried out this 5 day detox by drinking freshly made apple juice – today I feel much more energised and literally lighter.
I guess my digestive system has had an almost complete rest for the first time ever!
So what did I do and how did I do it?
Briefly the fast I undertook was designed to detoxify the liver which in turn will then help to remove toxins from the body. This method is from a book by David Wolfe called “Sunfood Diet Success System ”:-
1. Freshly squeezed apple juice 3 or 4 times a day, using slightly sour green apples.
2. Cassia bark sticks – to be sucked on in the evening of day 3 and 4. There is often confusion between cinnamon and cassia with even their packaging getting their names switched. Cinnamon is normally sold in powered form or in cigar like stems. Cassia bark is just that – it looks like the bark of a tree which is just what it is.
3. On the 4th afternoon, at least 2 hours since the previous apple juice drink, drink 250ml of olive oil (organic, cold-pressed and stone pressed) followed by 250ml freshly squeezed juice made from fresh organic lemons. This sounds like quite a concoction but is key to the detoxing process. Sip slowly if it helps.
4. After taking the olive oil and lemon juice, rest for the remainder of the day. Lie down on your right side with a hot water bottle against your belly just under the rib cage where the liver is.
5. On the 5th day, resume “normal” eating but very gently and lightly. Continue to rest as much possible.
There are many variations on this method, simpler and shorter, which you can find by googling on “liver detox”, but this is what I chose. Ideally carry out your detox during a period when you are not working heavily and able to rest as much as possible.
So how do I feel and what are my learnings?
1. Well firstly, I feel really energised and lighter – I guess my digestive system has had an almost complete rest for the first time ever. Also, it seems as part of the detox I have also let go of many other things.
2. We all eat so many things that we do not need or which we eat just for the sake of it and my awareness of what is good for me and my body has increased even more. I am thinking twice before I choose to buy or eat foodstuffs.
3. I have a lot of will power not to be enticed by the many tempting food placed cleverly all around to induce us. If the ultimate goal of a healthy body and life is important enough, then any one can go on such a fast.
Even over the weekend at a lunch event, I was able to decline food items which I would have previously accepted. One trick is to just ask yourself –“Is this good for me?”
4. I have cleared out foodstuffs from my kitchen which I would have previously not questioned.
5. I have reviewed my eating timetable and method. No more eating heavily late in the evenings. A healthy breakfast, a fulsome lunch and then a light supper is what resonates with me now.
6. I am focusing on eating as many greens and “living” foods as possible. No more processed foods as far as practical. The key is to note how you feel after a meal – does the body feels vibrant or does it feel lethargic and tired?
So there we are – if you really want to kick start your own life and your body, what better way then to go on a body detox? Find a method that appeals to you and go for it. At the same time, clear out the clutter from other areas of your life and like me you can literally start a new week afresh.
Eat properly to get the life you love and live it.
You know it makes sense.
Please also check out this more recent post:-
How to Detox in Five Days and Enjoy It!
It sure makes sense Arvind.
Your body is your only vehicle to success. If it’s not functional, you become slightly limited.
Thanks for sharing this.
– Kavit
This is great,
This is also used as a gallbladder flush, so I feel the need to warning people that might suffer from gallstones that this can be dangerous, depending on the size of them. As large stones can get stuck in ducts, and cause major pain, and if stuck for long enough seriouse acute blocks.
If in doubt, it is best to ask your DR. Being a gallbladder sufferer (and I would not wish it on my worst enemy) I don’t want someone to suffer unnecessarily.
Love what you are up to though Arvind, and as usual thanks for sharing.
Thanks Arvind. I’m glad to hear that you feel much better after the detox. I did too when I did this in Spain with a Russian lady. It started by drinking some bitter herbs that she had prepared and it was called ‘killer’ because it killed all that was not needed in your gut. Then a couple of days of fresh apple juice together with beetroot juice. I did this in February but will probably repeat it in the autumn.