A couple of years ago when I was writing my second book “Get the Life you Love and Live it”, something major happened that changed the direction and content of the book.
It was all about learning to follow the heart.
In the summer of 2005, I had been working flat out on the book, only to be told by my wonderful and honest editor that my writing was flat and that she was not “getting” the real me. It was as if I was literally writing half heartedly.
I therefore stopped writing for a few weeks whilst I re-charged my batteries. I took on taking greater self care, having more fun and also reviewing what was in my way. When I returned to the writing, I was revitalised and rejuvenated. The book was then completed within just a few weeks with lots of the real me in it.
So if you are struggling with any area of your life, ask yourself – “Is my heart in this?”
Listen to your heart/intuition/sixth sense – whatever you call that inner knowing that is invariably correct in guiding you.
Remember the phrase we all use sometimes – “my heart is not in it”. Do not sell yourself short. Do not sell the world short.
Check in with yourself, and honestly answer the following questions:-
What will it take to follow my heart?
What do I need to stop doing?
What do I need to start doing?
For me, the answers were easy. I had to stop striving so hard on getting my book ready and putting so much pressure on myself.
So the lesson for all of us is – ease off and take things gently.
Enjoy your free time and indulge in some self pampering, whilst you revitalise yourself, and begin to follow your heart.