Are you celebrating Father’s Day this weekend?
Most of the western world celebrates Father’s Day on Sunday 16th June, whereas other countries and cultures celebrate such a day at different times of the year.
Initially I found the concept of having a special day for fathers a bit strange – in my Indian culture, it’s our duty to always respect and honour our fathers and mothers. So I used to wonder why anyone would even need a specific day just for that.
However the idea of having an extra-special day with your father is a fun thing to do and I hope that where ever you are, all fathers and their families are having a fabulous day of celebration.
To me, Father’s Day will always be a time for me to remember what my father has done for me.
At the same time, do avoid all the commercial circus – I suggest you be sensible and do not succumb to all the hype around this day.
Honour, appreciate and remember your father for what he does and has done for you.
As long- term regular readers will know, I lost my father a few years ago – and incredibly it’ll be 6 years next December since he left us. He still lives on in our memories, and in my siblings and me. His essence will always be with us.
One thing that he always encouraged me to do was to write and publish more books. In the last year of his life, every time I saw him he would ask me if I had published another book – even though I had only seen him 3 weeks before!
If he was alive today in the days of kindle books, I could probably answer in the affirmative and say that yes I had just published another e-book on Amazon kindle:-).
This brings me to the point of this blog post – this weekend, my main two kindle books on Amazon – “Get the Life you Love” and “Love is all that Matters” are available free on Amazon for Father’s Day.
1. Get the Life you Love

As long as you are signed up on Amazon Kindle, you can get it.
You don’t even need a Kindle reader to read the book. You can download a Kindle app for your computer, IPhone, IPad or indeed most other smart phones and tablets.
You can also read the book in the Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader – this allows you to read my book in your browser!
You can download my Kindle book for FREE right now by clicking on the appropriate link below:-
If you can’s see the images above, then just click n the appropriate links – Amazon.Com /
If you are in a country not served by Amazon.Com, then simply search on your local Amazon website under my name “Arvind Devalia” and then choose “Love is all that Matters”.
(Also, in the next 3 minutes you can see how this book was first created – just click on this link to see this inspiring video showing the paperback version of my book rolling off the printing press – every author’s dream!)
I would love you to get my book and go through the many lessons and exercises in it. I can guarantee you that life will be impacted in a positive way.
Please do let me know how you get on with my book.
And I would really appreciate it if you could write me a review on Amazon afterwards:-)
2. Love is all that Matters

If you can’s see the images above, then just click n the appropriate links – Amazon.Com /
If you are in a country not served by Amazon.Com, then simply search on your local Amazon website under my name “Arvind Devalia” and then choose “Love is all that Matters”.
This book is a clarion call to bring more love into the world through simple yet powerful daily rituals.
So please get your copy today and bring more love into your life.
There are 9 chapters in this book and each short chapter concludes with a daily exercise – carry out these simple exercises and watch in wonder as your life magically transforms into a life filled with love, kindness and understanding.
Tribute to my Late Father
As I said, it seems only yesterday that my father was with us and we celebrated Father’s Day together. And yet it’s already 6 years since he was with us on this day of celebrating him.
No matter what, he will always be my daddy.
I have previously written at length about losing my father, my grief and my journey since then. For my many new readers, here are my key posts below.
Take your time reading these articles – I have been deeply touched by the many friends who have written to say how much reading these articles has helped with their own grief – and at the same time appreciate their own fathers more.
1. Lessons in compassion from my father
2. Lessons in life and death from my father
3. The first ever year of my life without my father
4. How to suffer excruciating pain and live again
So on this day, do take some time out to also remember what YOUR father has done for you and continues to do so.
And no matter what, just remember to honour and love your father every day not just on father’s day
Happy Father’s Day everyone – today and every day.
Top photo courtesy of babasteve