
Whilst I was writing about my father’s 80th birthday a while ago, I was reminded of a phrase I used with a friend – “it is your birthday every day“.

Then for the following few days, we texted each other happy birthday wishes.

What would YOUR  life be like if you lived as if EVERY day was your birthday?

Look back and remember your best birthday ever – and imagine living a life where everyday is just as joyous and you receive gifts, accolades, cards and good wishes from your loved ones.

My birthday 7 years ago in 2007 was very special for me as I was able to spend part of the day with my parents for the first time in many years.

(It was also the last birthday I spent with my father as he passed away later that year)

For me, a birthday is also a time for reflecting and reviewing and being grateful for what I have already achieved and experienced in the years to date.

So if it was your birthday today, what would you be grateful for in your life?

We all receive so many gifts everyday in our lives – we just have to become aware of them and gratitude will flow naturally.

It is also about being open to receiving – it has been amazing for me to become aware recently how closed I had been to receiving. It is not just about giving, giving and giving!

By becoming more open to receiving, I have suddenly got even more good things happening to me – people just can’t do enough for me and it is wonderful. Doors are being opened for me for more business opportunities, new friendships and possibilities.

Indeed it now feels like it is my birthday every day!

So ask yourself – what do you need to do or let go of, to also become more open to receiving?

Part of receiving is being able to ask for what you want – so who do you know would benefit from your services and products? Just ask for referrals.

From now on behave and live as if it is your birthday every day.

Happy birthday every one!

celebrate your birthday everyday!