Did you spend some quality time with your loved one – or was it just another day for you?
It always amuses me to see people spending a small fortune on just one day every year to show their love for someone!
What happens during the remaining 364 days of the year!?
It’s crazy and dumb to only celebrate your love on Valentine’s Day!
Why not make it a fun Valentine’s Day every day?
Does “romantic love” evoke a vision of red roses, serenading in the park, moonlit walks and champagne?
In our world of glossy magazines and glitzy media, where we are constantly bombarded with images of the ideal, love struck and “perfect” couple, is it any wonder that the real meaning of love has been so diluted!?
Love for some is about being starry eyed and going gaga over someone. The actual being in love becomes more important than ever truly loving someone.
But love is MUCH more than that.
What would the world be like if we truly loved others the way we love our close ones?
I imagine the world would then be transformed and there would be fewer or no wars and we would live in peace and harmony.
In the words of John Lennon, just imagine a brotherhood of man and imagine all the people sharing all the world. It’s easy if you try.
As we look around the world today, such unity would seem to only exist in our imagination and in songs.
We love our close ones and that’s about it. In one of his lectures, I remember Sadhguru Vasudev the motorbike crazy mystic shared how as a young boy he asked his mother if she would have loved him as much if he had been born next door! She could not give him a straight answer but started crying instead.
Yet in our lifetime, we have experienced some magical moments of togetherness.
I remember how during the Tsunami crisis in Dec 2004, the world just came together to help the millions of people affected. There was such a crescendo of love, compassion and goodwill, the world became a better place for a while.
And the same happens anytime there is a natural disaster.
Somehow such natural catastrophes bring out the best in us and bring us together. Sadly it doesn’t seem to last.
I have learnt that it takes so little to create our own little heaven on earth if we wish to. We all want to contribute and do something for others.
“Everyone has the need to contribute. It is one of the six human needs. If you give from your heart, it will come back to you tenfold.” – Anthony Robbins
I remember a few years ago taking part in the London Basket Brigade and delivering food baskets to poor families who would otherwise forego a Xmas lunch.
My cousin and I delivered 24 baskets to families in council estates for 6 hours and it was quite late and rather dark by the time we got to the very last basket. The last home was in a rather nice apartment building and we wondered if we had the right address for delivery.
However, when we knocked on the door and made our delivery, we soon knew we had the right address. It turned out the family had just been made homeless and some friends were housing them at the last minute.
I’ll never forget the look of gratitude on the faces of the couple who answered the door. Words were not needed as connected through our humanity. Best of all was when their three young children peeped around the next room and got so excited with their delivery. Their Xmas was suddenly not looking so bleak.
That Xmas I had an extra bounce in my step! And all it took was a few hours and a desire and willingness to make a difference.
FREE Book – Love is all that Matters
To mark this day of love, my Kindle book Love is all That Matters” is FREE on Amazon today (Amazon USA / Amazon UK
/ Amazon India
This is a short but powerful manifesto to help people bring more love into their lives and the world.
This book is a clarion call to bring more love into the world through simple yet powerful daily rituals
Let us wait no more…
“Give, but give until it hurts.” – Mother Teresa
The chapters in this book are:-
1. Who Needs a Magic Wand to Create Love?
2. What is Love?
3. Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else
4. Learn to Love Unconditionally
5. Don’t Fall in Love, Create Love
6. Be Special to Find the Special One
7. Master the Art of Saying Thank You
8. Live with Acceptance and Friendship Every Day
9. The way forward
Each short chapter concludes with a daily exercise – carry out these simple exercises and watch in wonder as your life magically transforms into a life filled with love, kindness and understanding.
Please download your copy from the links below, depending on which country you are in:-
Amazon UK
Outside of these countries, just search for the book on your own country’s Amazon website.
I would like you all to feel intense burning desire to be who you truly are and take on a mission to transform the world through being more loving and kind to yourself and others.
“The intensity of your desire needs to be so great that your love for who you are and what you do precludes the possibility of any boredom, tedium or weariness!” – Wayne Dwyer
At the end of the day, all the world simply needs is more people aware of the power of love to positively change their lives and change the world.
And one day soon, everyone will know and realise that Love is all that Matters…
“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – Paul McCartney
PS If by the time you see this post, the Kindle book is no longer free, then simply email me and I shall send it to you:-)