Scrooge our ultimate teacher

As the world gets ready to celebrate Christmas Day, what will be your one abiding lesson this year?

It has been a tough year for so many people around the world. There has been so much doom and gloom around us – but only if you choose to focus on that.

As you get together with your loved ones, remember there is so much beauty and joy to appreciate around you, if you allow ourselves to do so.

For instance, the last few days in Europe have been a testimony to our spirit and powers of endurance and agility. As people have struggled to get to their families through harsh weather conditions, it shows what we are made off.

No matter what, we get through such tough times and now is the time to reflect on and appreciate our great gifts – and to know who we really are and what we have in our lives.

Ultimately, you can choose how this holiday season is for you.

You can choose to love the Christmas shopping, the queues, the crushes in the stores, in the same way as you love the seasonal music in stores, the feeling of sharing and the spirit of goodwill.

In the same way, you can choose how your life is everyday in 2011.

If there is one lesson you can take away from this season of goodwill, let it be this lesson from the classic Christmas film Scrooge:-

β€˜We act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more.

For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people we always hoped we would be.’

As you enjoy the Christmas festivities, please reflect on this.

And in 2011, make it one of your goals to be THE person you always hoped to be, ALL year around.

Happy Christmas everyone – and thank you for giving me this space to share my thoughts.

?top image coutesy of kevindooley


time to celebrate!