Are you open to changing your life?

Or do you struggle to move forward and make positive changes?

No matter where you are currently in your life, there are probably some areas you want to change for whatever reason. Maybe it’s time to find a more fulfilling job, move to a new area, make new friends, de-clutter your life, start new eating habits. And so on.

There are many things you may want to change. But where do you start? And how do you sustain change?

It all begins with wanting to change! It is about saying yes to change – and then making it happen.

Today, I am delighted to bring you the words of wisdom from my friend Alex Blackwell who has just published his first book which is all about change. Sit back and learn more from Alex about saying yes to change:-

1. Alex, thanks for your wonderful book!

You and your book are going to change a lot of people’s lives in a very positive way. What started you off on your journey? Did you one day just wake up and decide to change people lives!?

First, thank you Arvind for having me on your blog. To answer your first question, I woke up one day and decided to change me.

On the brink of divorce several years ago, I needed to make a few changes within myself before my life could change. Knowing creating positive change was necessary, I started down the path of learning how to appreciate exactly what I have.

The purpose with both my book “Saying Yes to Change: 10 Timeless Life Lessons for Creating Positive Change” (available on Amazon) and my blog, is to share my heart so others will be inspired to start down similar paths.

After all, we don’t change until we want to change.

2. In your book, you talk very eloquently about your experience as a child where your mother had a drinking problem and you grew up with a stuttering, eye problems and being bullied.

You say all those childhood experiences drove you to become the person you are today. That’s very inspiring!  

Please share a bit more about your journey.

In a stroke of bittersweet irony, the pain I endured as a child has proven to be a blessing.

  • The blessing has manifested itself by providing a passion to make something of my life – to improve myself. The frustration with my situation at home and at school made me determined, if not obsessed, to make certain my life mattered.

I was resolved to do things that separated me from my past. I worked full-time in college while taking a full course load. I was afraid if I didn’t push myself then I couldn’t escape the world I despised. But, as you will read in the book, this course of action had its own set of negative consequences.

3. What would you say was your one defining moment when everything changed for you?

Everything is still changing for me, Arvind!

Life is a process that constantly surprises me. The recent, and unexpected, death of my older brother has definitely been a defining moment. He was taken so soon, and so suddenly.

Eric’s death has been a reminder to soak in every moment of every day – each breath is indeed precious.

4. What words of wisdom, advice and encouragement can you offer someone else in a similar situation?

Forget regret. Offer forgiveness to others and self before it’s too late.

And be love – don’t wait, do it right now.

5. What makes people so reluctant to take on change? What three tips can you offer to get them started on a journey of change faster?


Fear is the biggest obstacle to change. Although I don’t have all the answers, these three things have worked for me on my journey to change, so I humbly offer these to your readers:

  • Acknowledge what you want to change or heal.
  • Do one small action each day – it’s all about taking baby steps.
  • Refrain from measuring your progress. Rather than seeing that you aren’t where you want to be (and how far away that may seem), look at far you have come.

6. I do believe that everyone wants to make it happen and shake the world.

What suggestions can you offer those people who feel disheartened about changing the world for the better?

Keep your faith strong. Stay grounded in the belief that you have a purpose far greater than anyone can imagine.

7. You talk in your book about recognising your beauty, as a precursor to saying yes to change. A lot of people have a hard time loving themselves and seeing their true inner beauty.

How do you suggest they get started?

Watch negative self-talk. Be kind and positive to yourself. Change the cant’s to I haven’t yet learned.

Pay more attention to what you are doing right and the beauty you create and less on what you don’t have, or think you should have.

Notice the beauty around you.

When we take the time to see what’s beautiful in our lives, then we are in a better position to internalize that beauty and make it a part of our own.

Notice the beautiful color of the changing leaves or the expression on your children’s faces when they learn something new.

God puts beautiful things in plain view every day – we just have to remember to open our eyes and take them in.

Finding the beautiful you is not about finding perfection with how you look, but in accepting that you are who you are for a reason.

To be happy, perfection is not required – only joy in celebrating your special brand of compassion, talent and beauty.

8. There is so much change going on in the world today globally which affects us all individually. It can be quite frightening when you look around at what’s happening. So how do you suggest people say yes to such change on an individual basis?

It begins by looking at our lives and seeing what we want to change, and then making the deliberate choice to change – one step at a time.

9.  What changes will you be saying YES to over the coming months and years?

Here’s what’s on my YES list Arvind:

  • YES to taking a needed rest after the book launch.
  • YES to staying on the path of positive change.
  • YES to learning to be a better father and husband.
  • YES to following my heart’s desire.
  • YES to loving myself a little more each day.

10. Alex, finally, what’s next for you? What are your hopes for your future?

Right now, my biggest hope is that my book “Saying Yes to Change: 10 Timeless Life Lessons for Creating Positive Change”, touches people and makes a difference. After that, I want to help others with writing, blogging or publishing a book. My passion is to write and serve. My hope is to do more of both in the future.

Thanks a lot Alex for sharing about your life journey and your new book. I am sure it will literally change many people’s lives.

Alex Blackwell is the Founder of The BridgeMaker and his first book is “Saying Yes to Change: 10 Timeless Life Lessons for Creating Positive Change” (Available on Amazon).