The greatest thing of my life in the last few years has been to be able to be of service to others. Whether this has been through my newspaper articles, books, coaching, charity work, public talks or even just by directing someone to the train station, there is a certain buzz in helping others and contributing.
I believe that deep down in us, we have this calling and a capacity to help others, to make a difference in some way and to make ourselves count. I always had this urge even when as a child but the urge got submerged as I got on to the treadmill of life.
It was only after a heart breaking cacophony of life changing events a few years ago that I was almost forced to review my life and focus on what I really wanted to do. It was not even a question of what I wanted to do, but more one of what I was meant to do.
I remember when I was in Kenya, at school there were only two African boys in my class and I was very open and sincere towards them, unlike the rest of the pupils. I used to get them pencils since they came to school with no stationary. In return, they became my best friends and protected me from the school bullies. An early lesson for me in giving and receiving :-).
Since that time, I have got involved in Nirvana School and other charities directly and indirectly.
However, service is not just about doing charity work, and “looking good” etc. It is about creating something sustainable and leaving a legacy for those to follow. It is about empowering people and giving them their dignity.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
(By the way, I am always looking for volunteers to go out to Nirvana School – just contact me for more details).
The beauty of being of service is that anyone can serve. You just need the willingness and the desire to make a difference. This is summed up beautifully by a quote from Dr Martin Luther King:-
‘Everyone can be great, because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace – a soul generated by love’ – Dr Martin Luther King
Also, here are some poignant words about serving others, source unknown
“If you serve wholeheartedly, you are bound to succeed as there is so little competition”.
There may be little competition right now, but I sincerely believe that this is changing rapidly.
I am meeting more and more people who want to serve and make a difference. There is definitely a change in the air and a major shift happening in the world, as we all wake up to the realization that we are all one, and serving each other is the least we can do for humanity.
So ask yourself:-
How can I begin TODAY to serve others wholeheartedly?
It will be the best buzz you will ever get.