We are now in the middle of autumn (fall) here in London and amidst the wind and rain, the colours of the trees are stunning.
The picture above is the copper beech tree in my garden and it has almost shed all its leaves.
At the “Be the Change” conference in London last weekend, I came across Project Green Hands, which aims to plant 114 million trees in Southern India through people participation by 2010. Just imagine what a difference that will make to the local habitat.
This project has been initiated by Sadhguru and this is what he has to say about trees:-
“Trees are our closest relationship. What they exhale, we inhale, what we exhale, they inhale. This is a constant relationship that nobody can afford to break or live without”.
The copper beech tree in my garden was probably there even before the house I live in was built over 100 years ago. It has the right to be there as much as I do, and I would be devastated if it got ravaged by disease or affected by our activities.
But as Sadhguru says, there is something that we can all do right now to tackle climate change, to transform the quality of life on the planet and to preserve the land for future generations.
Check out Sadhguru’s inspirational project to plant 114 million trees. In the meantime, we can do our own bit by examining and changing the way we live our own lives – every positive change, no matter how small, will ultimately help to save the copper beech in my garden and all the other trees around the world.