simple man, happy man!

Do you live your life with passion and excitement?

Have you wondered what it is that makes some people skip through life with so much zest and energy?

Or would you rather just sit on a funky chair all day long with a cheesy grin!?

A while ago I featured on my blog John the walking minister. His story of finding his bliss truly resonated with my readers.

It is clear to me that that we would all like to find out bliss and live a life of meaning and purpose. But just how do we do this?

When you find a truly meaningful cause to devote your life to, you become hungry.

You are no longer satisfied by superficial joy from passively watching television shows or browsing random pages on the Internet to “kill time”.

When you begin to play big in your life, you naturally let go of small things.

When you become hungry for something more, you search for deep fulfillment and you don’t settle for only the surface-level excitement you were used to before.

Consider the entrepreneur, a person with quite an unusual lifestyle – rather than working between Monday and Friday and taking the weekends off, some entrepreneurs are always working and they blur the lines between work and play.

How can they always be working?

Because they’ve found what they are so passionate about and what they get such deep fulfillment from, they no longer want to do other things.

Whereas most people settle for working at a job to look forward to two days of rest, the entrepreneur has found the path for him that feels like a weekend every day!

When you find a truly meaningful cause to devote your life to, you even turn down other opportunities.

You become clear about your priorities and what is most important in your life.

When Randy Pausch, co-author of the bestselling The Last Lecture and professor at Carnegie Mellon University, discovered he had pancreatic cancer, that immediately shifted his focus to how he wanted to spend the remaining months he had to live.

He was making a routine visit to the supermarket one day to buy some food to cook at home. Upon checkout, he found out that the cashier accidentally charged him twice for one of his items, but he didn’t realize until he was almost on his way out of the market.

He could have gone to a manager and asked for a refund, since it was a legitimate mistake, but he thought to himself: what’s more valuable to me: an extra $15 or 15 more minutes to spend with my children?

He walked out of the supermarket and gladly went home, having overpaid $15, because in that moment he had a clear sense of purpose for his life, and knew clearly that money was replaceable, but the time spent with his children was not.

If you are also willing to make these sacrifices to find a purpose for your life and use your passions, skills, and talents and create a clear, meaningful direction for your life, then I have a wonderful gift for you.

A few weeks ago, I featured on my blog Yongho Shin, a very impressive young guy who is clearly going places.

Yongho is launching a series of free videos and audios about discovering your life purpose- and he has kindly also asked me to contribute on one of the videos.

These are the series of videos from Yongho:-

Video 1:The “Passive Discovery Myth” that’s holding you back from finding (and deciding on) a clear, meaningful direction for your life
Video 2:How to discover the general – but not exact – direction of your life purpose in 15 minutes (and skip years of complicated exercises, quizzes, and questions)
Video 3:A complete step-by-step solution to create a clear and exciting life purpose based on your unique skills and talents, and meaningful work you can be highly paid to do

Yongho shares how he went from feeling lost and having no sense of life purpose, to finding a meaningful direction for his own life, and working with others to help them do the same.

Yongho has:

– Worked with TED Conferences and helped manage 4000+TEDx events worldwide

– Produced programs featured on The Huffington Post and the front pages of and Carnegie Mellon University

– Promoted and spoken on stage with Jonathan Fields,Chris Guillebeau and Jenny Blake

– Interviewed some of the top experts in personal growth, including Steven Aitchison, Jonathan Mead, Lori Deschene (TinyBuddha) and Jeff Zaslow (The Last Lecture)

So Yongho now knows a thing or two about discovering your ultimate life purpose – both from his personal experience and also from all the people he has worked with.

Thanks Yongho – and keep up the great work!