I have now been blogging on and off for 12 days.
This started off as something I felt I just had to get going with, and the beginning of 2007 was as good a time as any to start.
I procrastinated for the whole of 2006, and starting my blog became a holy grail for me. But why am I blogging now and what do I want to get out if it?
Well, firstly it has been really fun to just write and see my words in the bloggosphere. I also enjoy being creative, inserting the colourful, sometimes seemingly oversized pictures. Did I tell you I used to be a perfectionist, but I am getting over it?!
It has been really heartening to already receive positive feedback and encouragement from other people and even being re-connected with a friend after six years.
It finally dawned on me only this evening the importance of what I am doing through my blog.
I am sharing of myself and changing the world in my own little way.
If a blog I write impacts just one person in the world, then I will sleep more peacefully that night.
Ultimately, through my thoughts and words, I can make a difference to many people around the world from my little office in London – and how beautiful is that?
Suddenly this is no longer just about me, my fancy words and my pretty pictures.
It is about something much bigger and I am here to stay :-).
If my health had been better earlier this week, I would right now be in India at a friend’s wedding, but fate and the flu intervened, and here I am setting the foundation for my blogging space on the web. The universe sure works in strange ways, but always with the bigger picture in mind. Who knows what these early blogging surges will lead to?
Thank you for being in my space and for taking the time to read my words.
This is a truly humbling experience.