Run for your life

I will be achieving one of my life long ambitions and finally running in the London marathon this year.

I shall be running for Well Child a children’s charity, which helps sick children get better.

My target is to raise £2,000 for this worthy cause, so all sponsorship pledges most welcome.

Over the years I have applied in the public ballot for the race and not got a place. A couple of times, I have even had a place and then had to withdraw due to injury. So this year I have made it. There are thirteen weeks to go for me to put in the mileage and build up my stamina.

I have recently attended a training session with British Military Fitness (BMF).

If it is your goal to get really fit in 2007, then I suggest you check them out – or join me at my next BMF session.

My training to date has been sporadic and I have even had to see an osteopath as I am not the most flexible human being in the world!


At times when running around Regents Park, I wonder why I am doing this. It just doesn’t feel like a good idea. But ultimately it has been something I have wanted to do for many years and this year it will finally happen. Also the thought of helping those children is a great motivator.

So here is a thought for you:-

What one thing, small or big, which you have wanted to do for a long time will you finally do in 2007?

Also, from now on anytime you are losing motivation about something, just think about the bigger picture and the greater impact of what you are doing. That alone may be enough to get you going again.

Good luck with your own “marathon” in 2007.